Martyn's Online Meeting Joining Instructions

An online meeting has been scheduled for you. When it's time to join the meeting, please click the button below and follow the instructions presented in your web browser.

Note: The first time you use this meeting facility you may be prompted to download and run a small app.

Start Meeting with Martyn

Start Meeting with Martyn

If you have any problems joining the meeting or setting up your audio, please call me on 0161 818 4684.

Use Your Computer for Audio - Preferred

I recommend that you use your computer microphone and speakers to establish an audio session over the Internet. Make sure you ENABLE your microphone in the online meeting app AND on your computer.

If you cannot enable audio please call me on 0161 818 4684.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Phone Call' option in the meeting app, by ringing the number for your country and entering the required meeting details.

Surveying Software Demonstration Videos

While you are waiting for the meeting, why not watch some brief demos of our mobile surveying & reporting software.

See the mobile surveying software in action.

Also see how the reports are produced in seconds with the software.

Surveying Software that works the same on ANY Device
For iPads, iPhones, iOS, Android, Browsers